Discover Indonesia's Traditional Houses in 360

Discover Indonesia's Traditional Houses in 360

Explore Indonesia's Traditional Houses in 360

With 17,000 islands, 800 different languages, and 600 ethnic groups. Indonesia has one of the most diverse cultures in the world.

In these 360 videos shot in several places in North Sumatra Province of Nias Island and Samosir Island, Toraja Province, East Nusa Tenggara Province of Sumba Regency, Belu Regency and Flores Island, our local hosts will take us to see traditional villages and the cultural heritage they preserve, including dance rituals, weaving techniques, traditional house architectures, and other activities like stone jumping in Nias Island.

Although some activities are merely tourist attractions now, others still live and breathe their old culture combining traditional values and modern lifestyles, such as in many Megalithic traditional houses on Sumba Island

This living museum that goes through Millennials is a testament to Indonesia's diverse and old cultures that can still be seen through their rituals, architecture of the traditional hoses and the arts and crafts that the villagers produce.

Furthermore, our local guide in Maumere will take us to the Community-based tourism site in Sikka to see the interesting traditional Ikat weaving techniques along with the natural dye process of the fabrics that still follow the old traditions using mango tree bark, turmeric, noni fruit, among other things to produce some interesting colours.

After visiting East Nusa Tenggara, we will visit Nias Islands, in North Sumatra. Famous for its waves among international surfers, we will see and hear interesting stories and artefacts of the Nias people from the Megalith era through the early 20th century at the Nias Heritage Museum.

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Discover Indonesia's Traditional Houses in 360

Nias Island | Samosir Island | Sumba Island | Belu Regency | Flores Island | Toraja Province

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