Discover Indonesia's Biodiversity and Conservation in 360

Tojo Una Una | Komodo National Park | Tanjung Puting National Park | Raja Ampat | North Sumatra | Belu Regency |Maumere Bay

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Discover Indonesia's Cultural Heritage Preservation in 360

Toraja's Rambu Solo Farewell Ceremony

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Discover Indonesia's Food and Culture in 360

Makassar| Medan | Jakarta

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Discover Indonesia's Sustainable Tourism in 360

Flores Island | Togean Islands | Coal Village | Asahan Regency

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Discover Indonesia's Traditional Houses in 360

Nias Island | Samosir Island | Sumba Island | Belu Regency | Flores Island | Toraja Province

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Discover Indonesia
with Impact Adventures

Impact Adventures is a social venture and community-based tourism platform that empowers and provides direct economic benefits for local guides and community-based tourism operators in the rural and remote areas of Indonesia. Travel with us to explore lesser-known Indonesian destinations whilst creating long lasting impact on local economies.

Travel Packages

Discover Bali and Flores School Tour
Discover Tanjung Puting National Park | 4D/3N
School Trip
Discover Jakarta and North Sulawesi School Tour
Gorontalo and Tojo Una Una Dive Trips | 8D/7N
The Olele Marine Park | 4D/3N
Discover Way Kambas National Park | 3D/2N

Embark on an Unforgettable Trip
with Our Indonesia School Trips

Welcome to our Indonesia School Tours, where students have the opportunity to explore the wonders of this captivating nation up close and personal. Our carefully crafted tours offer an immersive and educational experience, allowing students to delve into the rich culture, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant traditions that define Indonesia. Our school tours take students on an unforgettable journey, where they can witness the iconic landmarks, pristine beaches, and ancient temples that make Indonesia truly remarkable.


Working alongside our local hosts, we have been busy preparing the long-awaited 360 virtual tours of Indonesia's lesser-known areas. Covering many interesting and exciting destinations in hyper-realistic 360 format, from the East to West of Indonesia, both on land and underwater. Let's explore the Togean Islands, home to some of the last remaining authentic Bajau Laut tribe known as the Sea Gypsies or discover the Kopu River, the Riau Province's ancient waterways that lead to the remnants of the Srivijaya Empire's capital which was once dominating force in South East Asia in the 4th-12th Century.

From the Torajan's farewell ceremony of Rambu Solo to the extreme kayaking in one of the world's best rapids in the Asahan river, we have covered Indonesia's Biodiversity and Conservation, Cultural Heritage and Preservation, Sustainable Tourism practices, and Food and Culture segments in our video presentations.

We do hope that you can experience what life is like in this amazing country whilst supporting local guides and SMSE businesses in tourism by subscribing to our YouTube channel here

See our sample videos or click the 360 pictures below to get the idea of what our video collections are all about. Move your cursor around to see the surrounding areas and increase your screen size by clicking on the screen button on the right side. Enjoy!


with Australia's Celebrity Chefs
Tasia and Gracia

Embarking on a new journey, Impact Adventures has branched out to producing captivating videos in 360 format on several exciting destination stories around the Archipelagos, including on Indonesia's staple food, Soto.

Soto can be found in many places around the country, with similarities and differences between various regions. Join us as we cook our version of Soto Betawi, the Jakartan variation of this famous dish that you can cook at home by watching our presentation and following our recipe!